Digital Media

Hi,everybody,I am new to this digital "thing",so I will try to post my thoughts and understanding of Digital Media on my blog,like i said i am a "new born" so I will need all the help I can get,please leave commons, links and other useful resource that you think may be useful for me,THANKS!

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Wonderful World Of CSS3

Spend whole Saturday doing CSS, and learned a bit RGBA colour from CSS3. Now it is 1 o’clock Sunday morning, I just want to shout to the world “I am the king of CSS.” I properly lost you there, just let me start from the beginning.
I am not computer type of guy, but I am not totally useless either. I can download software and install them, I can fix common problem with computer. Sometime I just use internet to find solutions to my problem. If it is more than that, that will be the job for my friends. But generally speaking I am comfortable enough with computer.
But that has changed since I encountered css:my new enemy, two weeks ago. As soon as I get bit comfort with it, more css storms my brain, leave me defenseless. Don’t worry, as a mature and responsible man, I will not give up I will fight. So Saturday afternoon I’ve decided to spend a bit time with my enemy, get to know it, figure a way to beat it.
The first hour is unbearable, nothing is make scene, and my enemy is fighting back on every inch of the battlefield. In the end there is no surprise, I failed. But don’t worry I managed set up a defensive line and holding the remaining battlefield. Maybe css won the battle but I will win the war.
After a quick bit and few cans of red bull, I was ready to fight again. As soon as I rally all my brain cells, we entered enemy territory again. Imagining thing happened, everything starts to make scene, and everything becomes clear to me, css doesn’t scares me anymore. My enemy was retreating and I was marching towards victory with my head held high. By the time before dinner I have already had sew css exercises done. Oh man that felling is good. While my enemy is completely conquer by me, then I’ve decide to dig up some hidden treasures hide by the enemy. I always want to design a website that looks very professional, with cool background and transparent page, but it was going nowhere from the beginning, it looks like my enemy is not ready to give up yet. Then a knight in shinny armor appeared; RGBA colour from was a lifesaver. With no time I had a beautiful web designed. You know what if css3 is a girl I would marry her.
I am going to bed now, I will have a beautiful bream, a beautiful dream about css3. 


Watched a film in class this week, it is about a font; Helvetica. I have to say I was really enjoying it. Ok, if you were telling me I am going to enjoy a film about font two month ago, I will tell you that you are crazy. But two month on, I have never been so passionate about font, about graphic design. Suddenly everything I have learned in the past starts to make scene now. I never can imagine font can be so beautiful, can be so expressive. In the past I never look them twice, back then in my mind only graphics are graphic design. Think of somebody sitting in front a desk design font for a living, one word usually pots in my head “loser”. Man, can I be more wrong?
So far Helvetica is my favorite font, properly because I have always been a fan of minimalism, from architecture to design.
The development and growth of Helvetica was very much a product of modernism. Developed by Max Miedinger with Eduard Hoffmann in 1957 for the Haas Type Foundry in MünchensteinSwitzerland, Helvetica had all the qualities to become one of the most successful fonts in the history of font design. Though it was originally called Neue Hass Grotesk, in 1960 the font was renamed the more internationally-friendly, Helvetica - the Latin name for Switzerland.
Helvetica captured the modernist preference for using clarity and simplicity to suggest greater ideas. The fact is that the typeface is so clean-cut and simple means that it can be used as a neutral platform for a wide variety of settings; it is the particular context and content of the messages that convey their meaning.
These days Helvetica is everywhere, as part of Swiss design, you can find them on road sighs, cooperate logs, government buildings, and just let me say it again, they are everywhere. Its success ultimately becomes its problem. Because it is everywhere, so many designs end up really feed up with it.  A famous example of this was when David Carson, a leading proponent of deconstructive typography, produced an infamous edition of his über trendy design magazine Raygun. When a commissioned piece on the musician Bryan Ferry came in, Carson thought it so dull that he set the copy in Dingbats – a typeface used to display shapes and symbols – thus making the article totally unreadable!
I am not saying typefaces shouldn’t be expressive at all, like the “god “of graphic design Massimo Vignelli said, but David Carson? Really?
The invention of language and words only service one purpose that is “communicate”, typefaces are the style of fonts and words, they should have the same function. One day when you find typefaces no longer make scene at all, that will be a tragedy, who ever is doing this, it is considered as cultural vandalism.
Eventually, when the public could no longer handle the often illegible work of designers like Carson, clear typefaces like Helvetica, once more will found new followers. 
Long live of Helvetica! (Ha-ha, only joking)

Discussion About Design

Had an interesting discussion with a friend of mine; a graphic designer.
He considers  vague, meaningless as the measure of a success design. Even his own work is like that, don’t get me wrong, he has some good designs, but you have to really go beyond graphic to understand its meaning. He often uses the word “elegance” to describe his work. Ok, maybe he is an artist, but what is the point to design something that mass audiences can not understand. Somebody like my friend may say that’s the expression of his thoughts and his feelings, but the problem with people like my friend is that they are intentionally design something like this because they think they are artists, they are better than general public. They are intentionally looking down on the general public, in their mind, if the public don’t understand their works that’s because they are not intellectual enough, because through history all the great artists were ahead their times.
Is that true?
Today we are living in a commercial driven world, there is no denying that there are muss produced soulless graphic designs purely for commercial reasons, but that is no excuse to looking down on the public, no excuse to design something meaningless, vague, nobody can understand. Maybe some designs make scene to the designer, but it doesn’t matter how good a designer he or she is, he or she fails the first rule as a designer. Massimo Vignelli wrote these in his book “Semantics, in design, means to understand the subject in all its aspects; to relate the subject to the sender and receiver in such a way that it makes sense both.”
This is the essence of graphic design, it is graphic designer’s duty to design something that has a meaning, that is not arbitrary, that has a reason of being there, and that every detail in the graphic has a purpose. Don’t looking down to the public, because nobody or few understands doesn’t make it art, it just makes the design ignorant and foolish.
So next time if somebody looking down on you just because you don’t understand something that he or she calls art, you just tell them “You are an ignorant and foolish human being.”       

Reasons Behind This Course

The reason I chose GCD is quite simple. I used to be a interior architecture student here, even though this is not the best organized college in the world, I can’t speak for everyone but personally I had very good experience in here, in terms of tutors and some of the design work I’ve done.
Also there is another story behind this whole motivation of getting a master degree.
I had a discussion with my mum two month ago about plans for the future, she suggested that I get a master degree and come home, as a mummy’s boy such like myself, I didn’t even put up much fight before I gave in. There is no significant meaning so far.
Why did I choose Digital Media? That is a good question. That is a question I never ask myself. There is not much similarity between Design and Digital media except few soft wares. Few weeks ago I don’t even know what digital media is all about, but after one and half week, I have a new understanding of digital media, and it is the right course for me.
We are living in a digital age, a new era. Nothing is ever the same as fifteen twenty years ago.
Mp3 player can allow us store thousands of songs but only size of a pen, we can use digital camera to capture thousands of image and make our own video without cost a fortune. You can share photos with your friends on facebook, video chart on line with you family, or some girl who you claim to be you girlfriend, catch up the latest movie and current events on your couch on your convenience. These are only few things that we benefit from the digital age, there is so much more.
Love it or hate it, we are in the middle of this new era, we just have to embrace it, get to know it, learn how to master it before it abandons us.
That is why I think it is the right course for me.

Digital Memory

“Delete” is a book that looks at the surprising phenomenon of perfect remembering in the digital age and why we must reintroduce our capacity to forget. In “Delete” author traces the important role that forgetting has played throughout human history.
The whole book is about one subject: digital memory, an offspring of the digital age. Some may say this is fantastic futuristic. It is wonderful for having a perfect memory, for not forgetting things at all. But is it a wonderful thing at all? Humiliating content on facebook for future employers to see, google remembers everything we have searched for and when.
Forgetting is an important function of our brain; it has significant effect on our body, psychologically and physically. Often crime victims lose their short-term memory, they just can’t remember what happened to them, that is just their brain copping with the traumatic events that has happened, forget temporarily to help the victims to recover and prevent further harm psychologically.
We all deserve second chance, away from our past away from our mistakes, we are human, and we all have our secrets, but these days digital memory makes it impossible to forget, Humiliating content on facebook and youtube, gossip about you on twitter, it is just too hard to move on without be able to forget.
We all deserve our privacy; deserve to be left alone, so we can lick our wound and moving on,
We all should working together to resolve this problem like author suggested; put expiration dates on information. We should improve and humanize technology to make our lives better and make us to forget.

Thoughts behind a wallpaper

Recently I found an computer wallpaper from my favorite game: call of duty, modern warfare 2.It is funny, it has been in my hard drive for a long time, I never look at it twice, but now when I look at it again, I found significant meaning behind its types, colours and other factors. I guess attend visual communication class it’s not a waste time at all, I do learn something.
First of all, background. It is a black, dark blue colour scheme; it makes the whole image very dark, intense, heavy and chilling just like war itself. These days countries all over the world are facing a common enemy; terrorism. How do you fight with this invisible enemy, which is uses of your elite forces to track down and hunt down terrorists before they can act. This needs element of surprise. So you have elite force soldiers sliding down from helicopters in the dark at night to catch bad guys become a symbol against terrorism. So the black background represents dark night, represents a new tactic.

Now let us look at the Soldier. He has his face covered with a ghost mask, by not showing the face, it takes the human element out the equation, it creates fear, and it creates aggressiveness. Unofficially there is a common rule among elite forces around the world, that is kill on site unless you need intelligence. So you have this killing machine, no mercy at all. That is the message you want to send to your enemy.

I love the types in this wallpaper. You have these radio waves warps around all types; it is looks like you are sending a message. It is represents communication. In present days we have satellite network in the sky; date links allow us to share information and so much more.A single solider can communicate and share info with everybody on the network, you can see what they see, you can hear what they hear, when I say everybody, I mean everybody, your command centre, helicopter, fighter jet, tanks, the whole war machine. Today communication has become the most important parts of the war. How to connect the whole network together, from a single solider to your satellite in the space has become a state of the art technology which all the country wants to chive.
Over all this is very well designed piece of graphic, there are meanings behind all the elements, there are troughs behind each part of the graphic which repents the essence of graphic design. 

Digital Memory

I googled “Delete’’ recently, found it is very interesting. “Delete” is a book that looks at the surprising phenomenon of perfect remembering in the digital age and why we must reintroduce our capacity to forget. In “Delete” author Viktor Mayer Schonberger traces the important role that forgetting has played throughout human history.
The whole book is about one subject: digital memory, an offspring of the digital age. Some may say this is fantastic futuristic. It is wonderful for having a perfect memory, for not forgetting things at all. But is it a wonderful thing at all? Humiliating content on facebook for future employers to see, google remembers everything we have searched for and when.
You may argue that if you are afraid of breach your own privacy then you just have to be careful, know what you are doing, don’t upload photos with humiliating content, don’t send e-mail with personal information. But the fact is: Is it that simple?
We are living in a digital world; everybody has a camera phone these days, cctv everywhere, you may can control yourself but what about the others.
You may be a victim of a crime and somebody recorded put it on youtube, knowing there are thousands people are watching your pain and suffering, watching what you were going through everyday for their own amusement, how can you move on, how can you forget. Ok maybe that example is a little bit extreme, what about somebody uploads some photos with you in it, what if those photos are; let’s say it is not the best of you. You may argue again: then don’t do stupid things. But we are human being; we make mistake and we learn from it so we don’t make the same mistake again and to be a better human being. How often do you say to yourself; oh I shouldn’t say that, I wish I can go back time to change that, I just want to forget it and move on. Forgetting is exactly the right medicine for it, either intentional or unintentional.
 Forgetting is an important function of our brain; it has significant effect on our body, psychologically and physically. Often crime victims lose their short-term memory, they just can’t remember what happened to them, that is just their brain copping with the traumatic events that has happened, forget temporarily is a way to help the victims to recover and prevent further harm psychologically.
You may say again: this is just part of life; we just have to deal with it. But as a species we are so resilient, we never surrender to our fate, which is why we have medicine to help us fight of disease, invented machines to help us to do our job, why can’t we do the same with digital memory, why can’t we find a solution to solve the problem.
We all deserve second chance, away from our past, away from our mistakes, We all deserve our privacy; deserve to be left alone, so we can lick our wound and move on, We all should working together to resolve this problem, or the next problem, to improve technology, humanize technology, to make our life better.

Digital Age And ME

    Few days ago we got our first assignment as MSC students and also bunch questions such as"why did you choose Digital Media?","what do you know about Digital Media?",also discussion about social networking site like Facebook, twitter,blog etc.
    Now,I am going  to completely honest with you,I am not a tech minded type guy.When people use iPhone, iPad,blackberry and other fancy staff I just don't get it,600 Euro for a iPhone,forget about it,I will never spend that kind money on a "phone".It doesn't matter how wonderful it is or how much staff you can do on it,it is still a phone.
    Lots of my friends keep telling me that I should catch up with modern technology and explore the Digital Age,so I said to myself"why not?"
    First things I did was to set up my Facebook page and load up some photos.In the first few weeks it was great,exciting but after a while problems start to appear.It is just too much information to track"somebody wants to be friend,somebody's birthday is coming up,somebody meet a guy or has a boyfriend,somebody is on holiday".If I don't get on Facebook for a while,ignore all the messages, my friend will call me and say something like"Why don't you confirm my friend request,we are not friend anymore?"or" You don't care about you friend anymore,then why you haven't common on me being with a new boyfriend."Every time I have to apologize to them and telling them that I have been busy,haven't got chance to use Facebook but as soon as get chance I will fix everything straight way.
    OK,last thing I want to do is spent two hours on Facebook everyday after work just to know who is in love who is not, who is in a relationship with who.Tell you what,I don't want know,I have enough problem of own,why can we give each other a little bit privacy.
    I am a traditional type of guy,if i want to see my friends,i will set up a dinner party or go down to the locals to have few drinks, talk to each other face to face,hugs,kisses.It is so warm and human.But these days because Facebook,twitter people just seem getting lazy and distance everyday.Don't get me wrong it is good people communicate with each other via messages,photos,social network but sometimes it just lacks scene of touch and felling.If this is the future then I don't want to be part it.
    Even though I sound like a bitter cynical man,but i have to admit it whether like it or not I've already in the middle of digital age knowingly or unknowingly and have been benefit from it.
    Everyday when I get home from work instead of switch on TV I switch on my PC.Through internet I can access vase information such as TV show,music,movie, current event and much more.Even better I can video chart with my family and friends in my hometown where is thousands miles away.How good is that!Specially
I am a lazy guy,I never write to my mom or anybody.I really should  thank who ever invented internet(oops!That was covered in the class,I should know),oh,man you saved my ass.
    Cynical or not,digital age and world are round us,whether like it or hate it we still have to embrace it,get to know it,learn how to use it,if not,one day we will left behind,we will become orphans of a new age.